Membership is by invitation ONLY
Psi Sigma Omega is currently not accepting new Sorority membership, but is focused on reclaiming and reactivating inactive sorors.
This page is designed to help inactive members return to active membership. We are a legacy of sisterhood and service and welcome you back with open arms. If additional assistance is needed, please contact your regional director, a local chapter president, or our corporate office.
What do I need to do to reactivate my membership if I’ve been inactive for one or more years?
Please complete the appropriate form below. Include your current name, address, chapter of initiation and date, last chapter with which you were active, all previous names used and financial card number (if available). Once your membership is reactivated, you will receive a financial card, Ivy Leaf magazine and announcements about the Boulé, Leadership Seminar, and other events.
Graduate Chapter Reactivation Form – complete and submit to Psi Sigma Omega plus money order/certified check for reactivation/reinstatement fees, chapter dues, fees and assessments, as applicable.
General Member Reactivation Form – complete and submit to the Corporate Office plus money order/certified check for reactivation/reinstatement fees, per capita, fees and assessments, as applicable.
Undergraduates who attend a college/university where an AKA chapter exists, may not reactivate as General Members.
Is anyone exempt from the COIP assessment?
Sorors initiated on July 31, 1943 or earlier do not have to pay the COIP assessment.
How do I know or find out if I paid the COIP assessment?
If you were initiated after July 1992, the COIP assessment was included in your initiation fees. If you were initiated before July 1992 or were a Golden Soror as of July 31, 1993 and active after July 1, 1994, contact the Corporate Office (Attention: Membership) if you need to verify payment was made.
How much will it cost to reinstate/reactivate my membership?
You will need to pay: reinstatement fees and the Corporate Office Improvement Project (COIP) assessment, if applicable. Corporate assessments include Education Advancement Foundation (EAF) dues and the cost of the current Constitution and Bylaws and Manual of Standard Procedure. If you’re reactivating with a chapter, you will also need to pay dues and assessments (which vary by chapter).
What is a Transfer Verification Form?
The Transfer Verification Form is an official Sorority form which documents that an inactive member has met all financial obligations to her former chapter and the Boulé. Before transferring membership from one chapter to another, you must obtain clearance from the former chapter. Before transferring your status as a General Member to chapter member, you must obtain clearance from the Corporate Office. No chapter can accept an inactive member into active membership before receiving a completed Transfer Verification Form. Download a Transfer Verification Form by clicking here.
What is the Corporate Office Improvement Project (COIP) assessment?
COIP is a fee that goes into an endowment fund which pays for building maintenance of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Corporate Office. Delegates to the 1990 Boulé (Richmond, VA) voted in favor of adding an additional floor and storage space to the Corporate Office building. The Building and Properties Committee developed a fund-raising plan, which included a building assessment fee to pay for this addition. Delegates to the 1992 Boulé (New Orleans, LA) ratified the establishment of an endowment fund to pay for building maintenance. Effective January 1, 1994, the one-time COIP assessment must be paid by all financially active members.